Monday 1 December 2014


Terengganu is one of the best places in Malaysia that have more than one attraction there. So in 14 November 2014, I went to Terengganu to taste their food and to experienced their culture and also to have the sightseeing there. I decide to stay for 2 night and 3 days in Terengganu. In my first night here, I decide to have a look at the city of Kuala Terengganu. When I drive at Batu Buruk, Kuala Terengganu I saw one kind of restaurant that has a very stylish design with black and white theme of the restaurant together with the soft lightning and simple decoration. This restaurant really attracts me to having a dinner here because of their good appearance and their concept even there just a small restaurants or cafe.

There are a lot of the customers who dine here and I think maybe it's hard to find a parking. I look around and talk to myself, 'where I want to park my car?'. Suddenly, I saw a signboard that pointed to the huge and safe parking area in front of the restaurant and I really appreciated the effort. So when I step in to the restaurant, the staff greeted me cheerily ("Assalamualaikum Sir, welcome to Rahsia Kitchen. Mind if I usher you to the table?" ) which really make us welcome and hospitable. As what I can see with my naked eyes, there has a huge banner sign of the name "Rahsia Kitchen" in front of the restaurant and it help people noticed about this restaurant in this quiet and deserted area. 

It is well decorated with dimly lit with the candles in the table, with soft and romantic lightning in every corner of the restaurant, with a good wordy poster at the left side of the restaurants, and has a comfortable seat and it is really enjoy to having a dinner with a gentle breeze. The customer also can enjoy the view of the chef preparing the food because it has the open kitchen concept. But for me, what are so special about this restaurant is, they have a lot of kitchen tools displayed with variety types of knife set and others kitchen utensil like example peeler and sharpening stone. It is from the brand of victorinox and instead of displayed, the customer also can buy it. 

 Rahsia Kitchen restaurant with the unique name that come out with good appearance and good ambience. Located at Jalan Seri Budiman, Batu Buruk, Kuala Terengganu. Owned by our local people, Mr Hadi Abdullah and he hired our local people also to be his staff. This restaurant come out with western food and also some local food that using high quality of ingredient and with a really good taste. Based on what the owner said, "this is the one and only restaurants who served a western food at Kuala Terengganu". It makes this restaurant popular because nowadays people tend to try different types of food such as western food and it makes this restaurant have a high turnover. Rahsia Kitchen can accommodate 60 people at a time and most of the time this restaurant are fully seated. The restaurants are open from Monday to Wednesday and Saturday to Sunday and will closed on Thursday and Friday. The business operation starting from 5.30pm to 12.00pm and will have a temporary closed from 7.00pm until 8.00pm for maghrib prayer.  The Rahsia Kitchen also provide a facility to the customers such as toilet, car park and a rooms for perform a prayer.

The Rahsia Kitchen provides a la carte service and also a buffet service for special occasion. As I having the buffet service, I will review about that. When I seat at my table, I talk to myself, "what food that will be served for today? And how a small and simple restaurant in this deserted area like this can serve a good western food?". While waiting for the food and see the chef struggling preparing all the food and beverages, suddenly the smell from the kitchen really increase my appetite and immediately my stomach felt hungry and cannot wait to having the food. Oh my gosh ! Please be hurry served all the food and I cannot wait anymore. One by one food are being served in the buffet line complete with the appetizer, soup, main course, dessert, condiments and the beverages. The prices are worthy because all the food served are only for rm25 per person. What ?? RM25 per person for all this kind of food??? Of course! And you can enjoy everything you want until you can. In my first impression, I really impressed with all the food served with a good presentation and goods arrangement on the table. We can know it being served fresh from the oven when you can see the smoke that comes out from the food. The moisture of the chicken, the color combination of the food, the shining of the chocolate are really make me impatient to having all that.

 Buffet Line

There are two food that makes me mouthwatering that is chicken roulade and the caesar salad. And again my stomach playing a song that showed I am really starving. Without waiting for too long, I grab the plate, fork and spoon and direct take the food and I became first person to take the food at the buffet line. HAHA! This two food are my favorite food actually and the way it presented really make me choose them to be the first food to be try. So for the first round, I try the chicken roulade with the caesar salad. The taste of caesar salad really make me fall in love with it. You can taste the freshness of the lettuce, the crunchy that comes from the crouton, the freshness of the apple and cherry tomato in every bite, the well marinate of the chicken sliced and together with the caesar dressing itself give it as a perfect combination. This caesar salad really give a very good impression to my appetite and cannot wait to try other food in the buffet line. Next, I go to the chicken roulade. With the golden brown color, stuffed with ham, cheese and mushroom, with perfect round shape and with nicely cutting, and you can see the juiciness of the chicken really make me melting. Customer who dont like to enjoy this chicken roulade in dry, they can having it with the black paper sauce and barbeque sauce.

Caesar Salad 

 Chicken Roulade 

Next I go to the roasted sirloin beef that are looking good with the presence of the sautee vegetables and also the two sauces I had mention above. The sirloin beef are season well with the salt and pepper and the beef are cook well done and it very suitable for local people who love to having their meat item well cooked.  So people who love to enjoy well done sirloin and dry meat item, they should try it here because the perfect taste of the meat item and the good technique of cooking when preparing your meat. But customer also can request for the doneness of the meat item they love. Other than that, the Rahsia shepherd pie really makes me tempted with the burning and melting of the cheese on the top of the shepherd pie. The taste of shepherd pie really nice with the combination of sour and sweet from the tomatoes and the chunky feeling of the meat. And they are combined well with the creamy sauce on the top of the tomatoes sauce. For those who are love to having the shepherd pie, I will suggest it here because of the taste and the price is really worthy.

Roasted Sirloin Beef 

Shepherd Pie 

Lastly, I end up my dinner with the chocolate brownies topped with the caramel butterscotch. When I noticed that the sauce is a butterscotch, I felt like excited and happy and I take it two even though my stomach already full and just wait to explode. HAHA! Its ok. No diet for today.What can I said about the dessert is it really awesome and it is perfect ! It was sweet but the bitter of the chocolate make the brownies flavor are combined well. As the butterscotch lover like me, I really enjoy this brownies with the butterscotch flavor on the top. 

Chocolate Brownies 

What I can conclude here, this Rahsia Kitchen will give the customer full satisfaction with the good service and the food as well. The prices are really worth with the food served. It is difficult to find a small and new restaurant like this can comes out with good western food.  People who comes here will never forget the good experience dine here. I recommend this Rahsia Kitchen restaurant to all of the readers and to my follower and please enjoy it by yourself. 

Mine !!

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